The Disney Studios’ Artistic Sources.
Report Sabine Morandini
Scènography & Design Atelier Mandini
One of the great idea of "Once upon a time Walt Disney" is to reconsider Disney's work, to try to take off the blinfolds we might have related to the Disney empire, to an esthetism, a dominating moral thrusted upon us for the last 40 years....
To learn to reevaluate this artist and ask oneself the right questions
The exhibits revolves around the matter of artistic sources to demonstrate that Walt Disney has an artistic approach as he dwells on several ressources and creates his own expression mode.
Walt Disney might have gone from entertainment to symbolism in the mid 30's as he realises that animation needs to graduate to adulthood. He starts to explore european litterature, reads stories, tales and fables that will contribute to and thicken a whole serie of short movie.From 1934 on he decides to do "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" the very first animated movie of history, he creates the genre, and there, he graduates to adulthood.
Once upon a time Walt Disney
Bruno Girveau Interview exhibition curator
Galeries nationales du Grand Palais
3, avenue du Général-Eisenhower
75008 Paris
Tél : 01 44 13 17 17