MetalHead Franck Sorbier

Franck Sorbier introduces his portrait gallery
Express interview

from the listing EXHIBITION
FASHION WEEK Autumn Winter 2010/2011 Couture Collection
FASHION WEEK Haute Couture Summer 2010  
ARTY Cléo de Mérode Very first modern icon
MUSIC Angelspit Sound corruption

At the same time he's doing his couture creations. Franck Sorbier replaced the needle with a blowtorch and fabric with silver metal to conceive his unusual portraits.
Wether it was paint, sculpture, drawing or photography, portrait has always been an absolute passion and an inspiration for his artistic endeavors.
Indeed the head is the first step in each drawing and is crucial for the realization of the figurine.
Either a couple of knuckle heads, a clown head or just a cute head, you will discover behind those alluring names another face of Frank Sorbier.
Being a real player in the french art and craft industry and particularly in haute couture, those portraits made of silversmith recycled element such as forks, knives, moka spoon or other asparagus knife, happily meet to transcript Frank Sorbier core values such as: Know how, search for quality, aesthetics  and philosophy.

Express interview :

Jim Nastik : How does one go from sewing to welding?
Franck Sorbier :
I've always had a passion for portraits.
I've also always looked for models with an edge, personality.
But to answer your question, it was a chance encounter with a goldsmith.

Jim Nastik : Considering your many activities, when did you find the time to create those pieces?
Franck Sorbier : I took the opportunity during a slow time in the textile industry to dive into it, which is by the way an encore, because a few years ago I created papier mache sculptures, doing something new is always stimulating and rejuvenating. Time is a matter of energy..

Jim Nastik : Arcimboldo was assembling food. Are you putting up the table?
Franck Sorbier : Arcimboldo
was also assembling games and vegetables, fruits and flowers..I love the Art of the Table, it's part of my education, silver platters, crystals, porcelains...My mother worked over 20 years in a Christofle house ..(silver platter company) Through the years I became very attached to the Art of the Table.

Jim Nastik : Is surrealism a constant value for Franck Sorbier?Franck Sorbier : Dadaïsme, surréalisme, récupération and recycling, misuse, humour and quality...

Jim Nastik : Can we qualify the portrait gallery of chic recycling?
Franck Sorbier : Recycling couture, the first metal portraits were introduced during the winter fall 2009 2010 collection, in July 2009.The name of the collection is "Gueule d’Atmosphère", a collection that included cloths and textile portraits, portraits made with clocks pieces.

Jim Nastik : Fashion, Art of thr Table, Is Franck Sorbier an hedonist craftsman?
Franck Sorbier : Yes, more and more it's time for me to read Rabelais!

Jim Nastik : Did this project inspire you to create a Franck Sorbier Art of the Table collection?
Franck Sorbier : I'm interested by all forms of creation, so it would be a real pleasure.

Jim Nastik : Do you have any more curious projects like this one?
Franck Sorbier : Projects are having a field day in my head so see you on the next one...

Interview by Jim Nastik translator C.Denis

Art work Franck Sorbier
"Gueule d’Atmosphère" & "Têtes Gourmandes"
©Photos Pierre Belhassen


Report Jim Nastik
Exhibition "Galerie de Portraits"
Reflex Gallery


Maison de couture Frank Sorbier 
6, rue Jean Pierre Timbaud
75011 Paris

Têtes Gourmandes
62, rue JeanJacques Rousseau
75001 Paris