Jan Fabre offers a journey through the museum collections that can be perceived as a "mental dramaturgy" orchestrating his work's main figures and those of ancient masters.
The artist is trying to connect his universe with grand scale thematics : Death and Resurrection, Vanity, Sacrifice, Money, Madness, Carnaval, War, Workshop.
About thirty pieces, sketches, sculptures, videos and short performance movies are composing the artist's journey.
Jan Fabre
The Metamorphosis Angel
Musée du Louvre Paris
Jan Fabre
L'ange de la métamorphose
Report Sabine Morandini
Jan Fabre - L’Ange de la métamorphose
from April 11 to July 7 2008
Musée du Louvre, aile Richelieu
rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris