Draftsman, painter, video director, photographer and inventor of colorful,
amazing sculptures.
The exhibition shows original works that are conscious mixtures of pop, Goth and surrealism – a creative hybridization claimed by the artist, who enjoys mixing and subverting genres.
Some are from his youth and are pure visual reveries imagined for projects that remained in the planning stage:
“I was making a drawing when all of a sudden, I said to myself: What difference does it make if I know how to draw or not? What’s important is that I like it. From that moment on, I didn’t worry about trying to reproduce a human body or whether people cared for my drawings or not.” In contrast, others are recent working prototypes whose artistic value is nonetheless incontestable. Their spatial arrangement makes visitors feel as if they are entering the laboratory of this modern Dr. Frankenstein, the creator of a cosmogony where the macabre and the comic join together rather than in opposition. It is a place where the filmmaker’s intimate work (sketchbooks, amateur films) is shown next to legendary cinema productions, such as Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, whose hidden side is revealed here for the first time.
The Nightmare before Christmas
Tim Burton, (Sally) 1993
Polaroid, 83,8 x 55.9 cm
Private collection © 2011 Tim Burton
Directed by Tim Burton (1989)
Warner Bros. / Photofest. © Warner Bros
Sleepy Hollow
Directed by Tim Burton (1999)
Paramount Pictures./ Photofest. © Paramount Pictures
Edward Scissorhands
Directed by Tim Burton (1990)
Twentieth Century Fox. / Photofest. © Twentieth Century Fox
Directed by Tim Burton (1988)
Warner Bros. / Photofest. © Warner Bros
The Nightmare before Christmas
Directed by Henry Selick (1993)
Produced by Tim Burton, Scenary, Character Design by Burton
Touchstone Pictures./ Photofest. © Touchstone Pictures
Mars Attacks!
Directed by Tim Burton (1996)
Warner Bros./ Photofest. © Warner Bros.
Tim Burton exhibition
Cinémathèque de Paris
Curators: Jenny He and Ron Magliozzi with Rajendra Roy (MoMA)
La Cinémathèque française Artistic Collaborator: Matthieu Orléan
Scenography: Pascal Rodriguez
Graphic Design: Marion Solvit
La Cinémathèque française
51 rue de Bercy
75012 PARIS
Mondays and Wednesday to Friday from 12 noon to 7 pm
Weekends, holidays and school vacations: 10 am – 8 pm
Open on Thursday evenings until 10 pm.