Jean-Charles de Castelbajac transforms the Galliera Palace in a rock and roll castle. He playfully mixes 40 years of fashion creations with his own collection of paintings, photo illustrations, contemporary curiosities and historical rarities. As a starter, a giant Rubik’s cube is reflected in mirrors. To be followed by a drawing room filled with armours, Napoléon’s housecoats and the keys of the Bastille. Then his gowns – paintings are presented like flags and standards in the Throne gallery. The finale is a mix of showcase pieces coming from both Castelbajac and the Galliera museum ’s archives, from the first blanket clothes and dungarees to the impressive couture embroidered with a very sweet Bambi and a very recent “Felix the Cat” mini dress. This is an ingenious collage of energy, rock and roll and colours and the visitor can feel how pleasurable it was for this eccentric designer to play with codes, objects and the venue itself.
Gallierock by Jean Charles de Castelbajac
Musée Galliera de La Mode de la Ville de Paris
10, Avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie
75116 Paris
01 56 52 86 00
Galliera Palace - Paris
April 7th - July 29th 2007
Exhibition auditors : Sylvie Lecailler, responsible for the photographic archives.
Laurent Cotta, responsible for the contemporary creation.
Set designers: Marianne Klapisch and Mitia Claisse.