You turned up in great numbers to enter the Fascineshion party contest open to all those who, like us, are attracted by original talents. So, thank you very much to artists, hacks, writers, fashionistas, dancers, directors, musicians, Internet friends and curious minds who often travelled a long way (London, Amsterdam, Milan, Marseille). Your presence and your pleasure to mingle really made the party: you fascinated us !
Thanks to Wyborowa’s generosity, thirsts were quenched, tongues loosened and bodies gave all they had on the dance floor. Chanel adorned your nails with gorgeous metallic varnishes and offered you a luxurious goodbye pressie (Blanc Ceramic or Black satin?). A huge thank you to Christina Conrad’s and her team’s professionalism. And of course, there would not have been a party without performance, music, fashion show and visuals… All our gratefulness goes to Bas Kosters Studio to the Chicks on Speed (all the way from Berlin), Christopher Just, Olivier Bobin, Red Eyes Nix Cosmic Unity, Vanity Deejays (straight from the land of the Rising sun), Anat Ben David, Yvan Cheval and finally Jérôme Duval …
We rely on you to make it go on smoothly and splendidly. See you very soon !