A video installation created at Les Subsistances in Lyon and at the Tanzquartier in Vienna, in October, 2008
Creation under the auspices of the European cultural season.
Director and performer: Alain Buffard, Sebastien Meunier
"I want to eat that or spit this out," or perhaps, "I want to introduce his into me -- and keep that out of me."
This is a rather particular case of "incorporation," in which the subject has incorporated, yet not interiorised -- its lost object so concretely that he is required to nourish that object, and thus to eat for two. Food interpreted as clothing, or fetish objects, devoured, then spit out in a manifestation of counterproductivity relating to activities in line with its so-called production system.
A metaphor dealing with the notion of cannibalism, here hijacked to be about clothing and its presentation in performance; a way for the stylist, Sébastien Meunier, and myself, choreographer and dancer, to literally liquidate the presentation of the self through pieces of clothing and performance.
Of the article of clothing we are retaining only the idea of it as membrane, an edible interface with great sexual value. A second skin, used as a sort of underwear for the face, accessorised, decorated, fetishised, obstructed and impeded.
Who has never dreamed of "devouring" the other and dominating him or her?
Amelie and Tanguy Accart
PI:ES / Alain Buffard
9 rue de la Pierre Levée
75011 Paris
Caméra et montage : Amaury Agier - Aurel
coproduction : Les Subsistances Lyon, pi:es, Tanzquartier Wien